3 Tips to Improve Your Butterfly Sword Form. My Favorite is Tip #3

The Butterfly Swords or Baat Jaam Do (BJD) are my favorite weapons to practice with and are used in one of the coolest forms, aside from the Wooden Dummy form of course. It is the longest Wing Chun form and requires a lot of focus and dexterity in the wrists and forearms.

I’ve been doing the BJD form for a while and wanted to share these 3 tips has helped improved my form.

  1. Use athletic tape!
    It gives you a better grip on the handles and it saves your swords from discoloration from sweat and use.

    You can buy athletic tape from any sports equipment store (ie, Modell’s) and I’ve also found them at the pharmacy store (ie, Duane Reade). I would recommend getting black athletic tape because any dirt or sweat you get on it won’t show and black is a good neutral color.

  2. Flip your swords
    Flip your sword by starting it in the regular gripped position and then flip it so that the point of the sword is facing towards you.

    Flipping Sword

    This builds strength in your forearm and gets your wrist used to the motion.

    Side note: The Long Pole form is a precursor to the BJD form because it trains and conditions your wrist for flipping swords.

    If you’re interested in buying your own pair of swords, check out Everything Wing Chun (affiliate link).

  3. Use open hands
    This is my favorite tip and has helped me to understand the BJD form.

    Every movement in the form can be done without the swords because essentially, the swords are only an extension of your arms.

    If you’re ever stuck wondering how a certain part of the form is done, try doing it with your arms so you can visualize it better.

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