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Shan Wu Kung Fu School – Learn Wing Chun in New York City

Learn Wing Chun in New York City!

The Importance of Footwork in Wing Chun

The foundation of Wing Chun begins with footwork. Here are my extensive notes and drills used to improve my Wing Chun footwork!

The “Defend With One Hand” Drill

This is one of my favorite Wing Chun drills. Try it out alone or with a partner!

Wing Chun vs The World

Which is fighting style is better? Wing Chun or Muay Thai? or Boxing? or Karate?

The Visualization Technique: Improve through Meditation

I came up with a way that has kept my Wing Chun techniques without having to physically do anything.

Ip Chun Single Hand Chi Sao

Wing Chun Centerline Theory – Understanding the Centerline

Learn why the centerline is so important in Wing Chun and how understanding it will improve your skills greatly!

Wing Chun

Wing Chun Training Without a Partner

When you don’t have a training partner, practice solo.

Ip Chun Chi Sao

Why You Should Learn From a Wing Chun School

Start your Wing Chun journey by finding the right school for you.

Unlock Your Third Arm With Wing Chun!

Here’s how Wing Chun gives you an extra arm!